
Currently interning at Hyperface as a SDE Intern, and am pursuing a Bachelors in Technology in Computer Science Engineering at VIT Vellore (set to graduate in August, 2024). I aim to specialize in Software Engineering and Development and Product Management.

Current Aim: To gain valuable knowledge in the field of Computer Science Engineering, in important sub fields like Systems Programming, Full-Stack Software Development, End-to-end Software Planning and Team-based Collaboration, and to build amazing things through code!

Other Information:

Full Name: Jonathan Rufus Samuel
DOB: 12.03.2002
Address: Bangalore, India
Email (College): jonathanrufus.samuel2020@vitstudent.ac.in
Email (Personal): jonathansamuel296@gmail.com
Email (Work): jonathan.samuel@hyperface.co
Phone: +91-8197604647


Below are some projects that I have worked on.

Title Description
Dijkstra BlogApp An Android App created using the MERN stack, has a collection of importatnt posts and pages corresponding to technical interview prep for Under Graduate Software Engineer Applicants.
Mp3 Automated Tag Editor Built a Multithreaded Desktop Application and Server for Mp3 metadata using Data Aggregation to retreive metadata for a given song. Made using TypeScript, Rust, Python and SQLite.
EMS Server Developed an Employee Management System as part of training for Java Spring Boot Development. Worked on CRUD operations development, authentication and authorization, testing and migration to Apache Groovy.
FFCS API using TypeScript Designed API routes for VIT’s FFCS course registration system as part Dyte’s technical round hiring process. Built using Typescript and tested using PostMan and Jest Testing framework. Dockerized and published API environment to Docker Hub.
React Chat Application Simple React based Chat App using react chat engine API for serverless Chatroom creation.
Google Form Auto Filler A Google Chrome extension for Google Form autofilling.
Birthday Manger App - GDSC Hackathon Application that can handle Birthdays of participants, can handle database functionality and is able to send customized birthday messages as and when required by the user.
See more... Loads more projects!


The table below consists of all my Work Experience, as of 27.02.2024

Activity Description
Hyperface (SDE Intern, Backend Engineering)
  • Developed an Employee Management System as part of training for Java Spring Boot Development. Worked on CRUD operations development, authentication and authorization, testing and migration to Apache Groovy.
  • Handled Information Security issues with Bank Dashboards, including encryption of insecure data fields, fixing enumeration issues, recreating security breaches via Burpsuite, and addition of code to preserve security.
  • Wrote scripts using Python to handle migration of over 1 million records from bank servers to company servers.
  • Fixed Phantom Subscription creation bug, by implementing missed case scenarios.
  • Currently working with Groovy on Grails, working on security issues and API migrations.

  • Tools Used: Apache Groovy, Grails, Java, Spring Boot, Apache Kafka, Redis, AWS, Gradle, Spring Security, Postman, MySQL.
    GitHub repo: EMS Application
    Comapny Link: Hyperface
Dijkstra (Founder)
  • Built a Full-Stack Educational App, along with an Admin panel for uploading posts on DSA preparatory work & Solutions of Leetcode and Hackerrank Problems, along with otherinformation pertaining to Interview Preparation.
  • Started a GitHub organization forthe same, currently catering to 30 junior CS students. Currently in development and Testing, set for App Store release in 2024.
  • Currently handling devOps transition to Azure Cloud; handling complete systems administration for the same.

  • Tools Used: React Native JS, React Js NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB, HTML, CSS, Jest, Azure Cloud, Netlify Cloud, Postman, Git and GitHub.
    Article Link: Dijkstra: Mission Statement
    Comapny Link: Dijkstra
AppFlowy (Open-Source Contributor)
  • Handled Unit Test cases on Flutter to improve code coverage by 18% for AppFlowy's flutter bloc editor.
  • Made a total of 6 Pull Requests addressing various bugs in the code base.
  • Drafted 2 technical articles and 3 major documentation changes.

  • Tools Used: Flutter, Dart, Rust, Codecov, Postman
    Article Link: How to Contribute to AppFlowy
CERN Root (Open-Source Contributor)
  • Made a total of 3 Pull Requests addressing documentation issues as well as implementation of unique pointer abstract class within the ROOT codebase.
  • Currently working on test cases for proposed changes, as well as translation of Root tutorials from C++ to Python.

  • Tools Used: C, C++, Python.
Apprentice (Open Source Contributor)
  • Made a total of 3 Pull Requests for Backend and Frontend Integration.
  • Currently working on Frontend Design and Development, as well as documentation for codebase.

  • Tools Used: TypeScript, React.js, PostgreSQL, Docker
River Bend Data Solutions (Junior Software Developer)
  • Worked as a Junior Software Engineer, was part of the Junior Development Team and worked on ’iClinic’, a cross-platform patient & hospital management system. Worked on React-Native, NodeJS, Express JS. Also worked on Software Planning and Database Schema Design.
  • Created the base App forthe Application, including authentication handling, form handling and Navigation Stack within React-Native.
  • Was appointed Junior TechLead for a period of 2 Months, tasked with junior team management,reporting of progress to the senior team, handling of sprint meetings and assigning of work within Agile Development Setting
Winggit.inc (Front-End Web Developer)
  • Worked as a Front-End Engineer at Winggit.inc.
  • Designed and Implemented Current UI for Winggit’s e-commerce website, that handles the reselling of used books. Worked Primarily with Javascript, along with HTML & CSS.
Piano Instructor Taught the Piano for Children ages 10-14 for a period of 6 months. Based on Trinity Curriculum, 2 students went on to attempt their 1st grade exams under my tutelage.


Research undertaken over the past 4 years

Title Description
Automated MP3 Tag Editor via Data Mining
  • Researcher & Developer
  • Jan 2022 – June 2022 | Vellore, TN
  • Worked with Shivansh Sahai and Dr. Swarnlatha P to create Automated Mp3 Tag Editor, a tool which scrapes metadata of music tracks from various sources, and classifies them via Machine Learning, whilst automating the entire process.
  • DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8098-4.ch012
Overcoming Simulation Challenges in the fields of FOG and EDGE Computing via Simulation & Testing common Computational Scenarios
(Surveying Fog and Edge based Simulation Software via Simulation of Common Computational Scenarios )
  • Researcher
  • Dec 2022 – May 2023 | Vellore, TN
  • Worked with Dr. Baiju, Shreyas Mehrotra and Jaskaran Singh to research & identify potential weaknesses and drawbacks of some well known FOG and Edge Simulation software, such as performance limitations, lack of scalability, or insufficient documentation.
  • DOI: 10.1109/NEleX59773.2023.10421123
Zigbee Barrier System
  • Researcher & Developer
  • May 2021 – Jan 2022 | Vellore, TN
  • Worked with Dr. Yokesh Babu to research and implement a Zigbee protocol based Barrier System forthe Indian Railways.
  • Citation: Currently under Academic Review at VIT University, Vellore.
Optimizing Back off Time Algorithms using Reinforcement learning forecasting models
  • Researcher
  • Dec 2022 – May 2023 | Vellore, TN
  • Worked with Dr. Sridar Raj, Kush Ojha and Raggav Subramani to propose an innovative algorithm that leverages the power of deep learning and reinforcement learning techniques to calculate the backoff time in wireless networks. The main objective of our research is to improve the throughput and latency of the network while maintaining a high level of fairness.
  • Citation: Currently under Academic Review at VIT University, Vellore.
Other Research Projects
  • Currently working with Dr. Lokesh Kumar N and Harshit Rastogi on researching and developing cost and resource optimization protocols within container orchestration software like Kubernetes and Docker Swarm. Currently under academic and peer review.
  • Currently researching on viability of paper on Socio-Economic status of Computer Science Engineering within the job market, and how this may impact the education system down the line. Currently in a discussion phase with professors Dr. Margaret Announcia, Dr. Swarnlatha and Dr. Yokesh Babu
  • Currently working with Dr. Margaret Announcia and Abhimanyu Balachandra on Measuring Human Bias in Football Awards by using a Data-driven Performance Evaluation for Players in Football via Machine Learning. Currently under development.